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The frontend interface of The Cheshire Cat can be accessed via localhost:1865/admin. This interface provides you with an easy-to-use chat that acts as a playground and can be used to interact with your application. The Cat core uses a static build of the admin, source code can be found here.

The home page of the Admin interface is where it possible to chat with the Cat.

Home screenshot

  1. User's message: this is the message sent by the user.
  2. Cat's answer: this is the answer sent by the Cat.
  3. Why button: this button opens the Why side panel that explains why the Cat answered in a certain way.
  4. Send button: this button allows sending the message.
  5. Flash button: this button opens a small panel with additional features.
  6. Theme button: this button toggles the light/dark modes.

Why this response

This panel contains some useful information to understand why the Cat answered the way it answered.

Why this response

  1. Tool table: this table reports the intermediate steps of a tool usage. For each, it provides the name of the tool, the input given to the tool function and the related output.
  2. Memory buttons: these buttons allow switching the memory showing below the retrieved context from the memory at hand.
  3. Retrieved memories: these bubbles show the memory the Cat used as a context. In green there is the similarity score with the input message, at the bottom left the source of the memory and on the bottom right the upload time.

Flash button

Flash button

  1. Prompt settings: allows customizing the main prompt prefix.
  2. Upload memories: allows uploading memories in the format of JSON files.
  3. Upload url: allows uploading a web page in memory providing an url.
  4. Upload file: allows uploading a file in memory. Supported formats are .txt, .pdf and .md.
  5. Clear conversation: clear the current conversation and delete the conversation history in the working memory.