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The Cheshire Cat.

This is the main class that manages everything.


Name Type Description
todo list

Yet to be written.

Source code in cat/looking_glass/
class CheshireCat:
    """The Cheshire Cat.

    This is the main class that manages everything.

    todo : list
        Yet to be written.


    def __init__(self):
        """Cat initialization.

        At init time the Cat executes the bootstrap.

        # bootstrap the cat!

        # Start scheduling system
        self.white_rabbit = WhiteRabbit()

        # instantiate MadHatter (loads all plugins' hooks and tools)
        self.mad_hatter = MadHatter()

        # allows plugins to do something before cat components are loaded
        self.mad_hatter.execute_hook("before_cat_bootstrap", cat=self)

        # load LLM and embedder

        # Load memories (vector collections and working_memory)

        # After memory is loaded, we can get/create tools embeddings
        # every time the mad_hatter finishes syncing hooks, tools and forms, it will notify the Cat (so it can embed tools in vector memory)
        self.mad_hatter.on_finish_plugins_sync_callback = self.embed_procedures
        self.embed_procedures()  # first time launched manually

        # Agent manager instance (for reasoning)
        self.agent_manager = AgentManager()

        # Rabbit Hole Instance
        self.rabbit_hole = RabbitHole(self)  # :(

        # allows plugins to do something after the cat bootstrap is complete
        self.mad_hatter.execute_hook("after_cat_bootstrap", cat=self)

    def load_natural_language(self):
        """Load Natural Language related objects.

        The method exposes in the Cat all the NLP related stuff. Specifically, it sets the language models
        (LLM and Embedder).

        When using small Language Models it is suggested to turn off the memories and make the main prompt smaller
        to prevent them to fail.

        See Also
        # LLM and embedder
        self._llm = self.load_language_model()
        self.embedder = self.load_language_embedder()

    def load_language_model(self) -> BaseLanguageModel:
        """Large Language Model (LLM) selection at bootstrap time.

        llm : BaseLanguageModel
            Langchain `BaseLanguageModel` instance of the selected model.

        Bootstrapping is the process of loading the plugins, the natural language objects (e.g. the LLM), the memories,
        the *Agent Manager* and the *Rabbit Hole*.


        selected_llm = crud.get_setting_by_name(name="llm_selected")

        if selected_llm is None:
            # return default LLM
            llm = LLMDefaultConfig.get_llm_from_config({})

            # get LLM factory class
            selected_llm_class = selected_llm["value"]["name"]
            FactoryClass = get_llm_from_name(selected_llm_class)

            # obtain configuration and instantiate LLM
            selected_llm_config = crud.get_setting_by_name(name=selected_llm_class)
                llm = FactoryClass.get_llm_from_config(selected_llm_config["value"])
            except Exception as e:
                import traceback

                llm = LLMDefaultConfig.get_llm_from_config({})

        return llm

    def load_language_embedder(self) -> embedders.EmbedderSettings:
        """Hook into the  embedder selection.

        Allows to modify how the Cat selects the embedder at bootstrap time.

        Bootstrapping is the process of loading the plugins, the natural language objects (e.g. the LLM),
        the memories, the *Agent Manager* and the *Rabbit Hole*.

        cat: CheshireCat
            Cheshire Cat instance.

        embedder : Embeddings
            Selected embedder model.
        # Embedding LLM

        selected_embedder = crud.get_setting_by_name(name="embedder_selected")

        if selected_embedder is not None:
            # get Embedder factory class
            selected_embedder_class = selected_embedder["value"]["name"]
            FactoryClass = get_embedder_from_name(selected_embedder_class)

            # obtain configuration and instantiate Embedder
            selected_embedder_config = crud.get_setting_by_name(
                embedder = FactoryClass.get_embedder_from_config(
            except AttributeError as e:
                import traceback

                embedder = embedders.EmbedderDumbConfig.get_embedder_from_config({})
            return embedder

        # OpenAI embedder
        if type(self._llm) in [OpenAI, ChatOpenAI]:
            embedder = embedders.EmbedderOpenAIConfig.get_embedder_from_config(
                    "openai_api_key": self._llm.openai_api_key,

        # For Azure avoid automatic embedder selection

        # Cohere
        elif type(self._llm) in [Cohere]:
            embedder = embedders.EmbedderCohereConfig.get_embedder_from_config(
                    "cohere_api_key": self._llm.cohere_api_key,
                    "model": "embed-multilingual-v2.0",
                    # Now the best model for embeddings is embed-multilingual-v2.0

        elif type(self._llm) in [ChatGoogleGenerativeAI]:
            embedder = embedders.EmbedderGeminiChatConfig.get_embedder_from_config(
                    "model": "models/embedding-001",
                    "google_api_key": self._llm.google_api_key,

            # If no embedder matches vendor, and no external embedder is configured, we use the DumbEmbedder.
            #   `This embedder is not a model properly trained
            #    and this makes it not suitable to effectively embed text,
            #    "but it does not know this and embeds anyway".` - cit. Nicola Corbellini
            embedder = embedders.EmbedderDumbConfig.get_embedder_from_config({})

        return embedder

    def load_memory(self):
        """Load LongTerMemory and WorkingMemory."""
        # Memory

        # Get embedder size (langchain classes do not store it)
        embedder_size = len(self.embedder.embed_query("hello world"))

        # Get embedder name (useful for for vectorstore aliases)
        if hasattr(self.embedder, "model"):
            embedder_name = self.embedder.model
        elif hasattr(self.embedder, "repo_id"):
            embedder_name = self.embedder.repo_id
            embedder_name = "default_embedder"

        # instantiate long term memory
        vector_memory_config = {
            "embedder_name": embedder_name,
            "embedder_size": embedder_size,
        self.memory = LongTermMemory(vector_memory_config=vector_memory_config)

    def build_embedded_procedures_hashes(self, embedded_procedures):

        hashes = {}
        for ep in embedded_procedures:
            # log.warning(ep)
            metadata = ep.payload["metadata"]
            content = ep.payload["page_content"]
            source = metadata["source"]
            # there may be legacy points with no trigger_type
            trigger_type = metadata.get("trigger_type", "unsupported")

            p_hash = f"{source}.{trigger_type}.{content}"
            hashes[p_hash] =

        return hashes

    def build_active_procedures_hashes(self, active_procedures):

        hashes = {}
        for ap in active_procedures:
            for trigger_type, trigger_list in ap.triggers_map.items():
                for trigger_content in trigger_list:
                    p_hash = f"{}.{trigger_type}.{trigger_content}"
                    hashes[p_hash] = {
                        "obj": ap,
                        "type": ap.procedure_type,
                        "trigger_type": trigger_type,
                        "content": trigger_content,
        return hashes

    def embed_procedures(self):

        # Retrieve from vectorDB all procedural embeddings
        embedded_procedures = self.memory.vectors.procedural.get_all_points()
        embedded_procedures_hashes = self.build_embedded_procedures_hashes(

        # Easy access to active procedures in mad_hatter (source of truth!)
        active_procedures_hashes = self.build_active_procedures_hashes(

        # points_to_be_kept     = set(active_procedures_hashes.keys()) and set(embedded_procedures_hashes.keys()) not necessary
        points_to_be_deleted = \
            set(embedded_procedures_hashes.keys()) - set(active_procedures_hashes.keys())
        points_to_be_embedded = \
            set(active_procedures_hashes.keys()) - set(embedded_procedures_hashes.keys())

        points_to_be_deleted_ids = [
            embedded_procedures_hashes[p] for p in points_to_be_deleted
        if points_to_be_deleted_ids:
            log.warning(f"Deleting triggers: {points_to_be_deleted}")

        active_triggers_to_be_embedded = [
            active_procedures_hashes[p] for p in points_to_be_embedded
        for t in active_triggers_to_be_embedded:

            metadata = {
                "source": t["source"],
                "type": t["type"],
                "trigger_type": t["trigger_type"],
                "when": time.time(),

            trigger_embedding = self.embedder.embed_documents([t["content"]])

                f"Newly embedded {t['type']} trigger: {t['source']}, {t['trigger_type']}, {t['content']}"

    def send_ws_message(self, content: str, msg_type="notification"):
        log.error("No websocket connection open")

    # REFACTOR: cat.llm should be available here, without streaming clearly
    # (one could be interested in calling the LLM anytime, not only when there is a session)
    def llm(self, prompt, *args, **kwargs) -> str:
        """Generate a response using the LLM model.

        This method is useful for generating a response with both a chat and a completion model using the same syntax

        prompt : str
            The prompt for generating the response.

            The generated response.


        # Check if self._llm is a completion model and generate a response
        if isinstance(self._llm, BaseLLM):
            return self._llm(prompt)

        # Check if self._llm is a chat model and call it as a completion model
        if isinstance(self._llm, BaseChatModel):
            return self._llm.call_as_llm(prompt)


Cat initialization.

At init time the Cat executes the bootstrap.

Source code in cat/looking_glass/
def __init__(self):
    """Cat initialization.

    At init time the Cat executes the bootstrap.

    # bootstrap the cat!

    # Start scheduling system
    self.white_rabbit = WhiteRabbit()

    # instantiate MadHatter (loads all plugins' hooks and tools)
    self.mad_hatter = MadHatter()

    # allows plugins to do something before cat components are loaded
    self.mad_hatter.execute_hook("before_cat_bootstrap", cat=self)

    # load LLM and embedder

    # Load memories (vector collections and working_memory)

    # After memory is loaded, we can get/create tools embeddings
    # every time the mad_hatter finishes syncing hooks, tools and forms, it will notify the Cat (so it can embed tools in vector memory)
    self.mad_hatter.on_finish_plugins_sync_callback = self.embed_procedures
    self.embed_procedures()  # first time launched manually

    # Agent manager instance (for reasoning)
    self.agent_manager = AgentManager()

    # Rabbit Hole Instance
    self.rabbit_hole = RabbitHole(self)  # :(

    # allows plugins to do something after the cat bootstrap is complete
    self.mad_hatter.execute_hook("after_cat_bootstrap", cat=self)

llm(prompt, *args, **kwargs)

Generate a response using the LLM model.

This method is useful for generating a response with both a chat and a completion model using the same syntax


Name Type Description Default
prompt str

The prompt for generating the response.



Type Description

The generated response.

Source code in cat/looking_glass/
def llm(self, prompt, *args, **kwargs) -> str:
    """Generate a response using the LLM model.

    This method is useful for generating a response with both a chat and a completion model using the same syntax

    prompt : str
        The prompt for generating the response.

        The generated response.


    # Check if self._llm is a completion model and generate a response
    if isinstance(self._llm, BaseLLM):
        return self._llm(prompt)

    # Check if self._llm is a chat model and call it as a completion model
    if isinstance(self._llm, BaseChatModel):
        return self._llm.call_as_llm(prompt)


Hook into the embedder selection.

Allows to modify how the Cat selects the embedder at bootstrap time.

Bootstrapping is the process of loading the plugins, the natural language objects (e.g. the LLM), the memories, the Agent Manager and the Rabbit Hole.


Name Type Description Default

Cheshire Cat instance.



Name Type Description
embedder Embeddings

Selected embedder model.

Source code in cat/looking_glass/
def load_language_embedder(self) -> embedders.EmbedderSettings:
    """Hook into the  embedder selection.

    Allows to modify how the Cat selects the embedder at bootstrap time.

    Bootstrapping is the process of loading the plugins, the natural language objects (e.g. the LLM),
    the memories, the *Agent Manager* and the *Rabbit Hole*.

    cat: CheshireCat
        Cheshire Cat instance.

    embedder : Embeddings
        Selected embedder model.
    # Embedding LLM

    selected_embedder = crud.get_setting_by_name(name="embedder_selected")

    if selected_embedder is not None:
        # get Embedder factory class
        selected_embedder_class = selected_embedder["value"]["name"]
        FactoryClass = get_embedder_from_name(selected_embedder_class)

        # obtain configuration and instantiate Embedder
        selected_embedder_config = crud.get_setting_by_name(
            embedder = FactoryClass.get_embedder_from_config(
        except AttributeError as e:
            import traceback

            embedder = embedders.EmbedderDumbConfig.get_embedder_from_config({})
        return embedder

    # OpenAI embedder
    if type(self._llm) in [OpenAI, ChatOpenAI]:
        embedder = embedders.EmbedderOpenAIConfig.get_embedder_from_config(
                "openai_api_key": self._llm.openai_api_key,

    # For Azure avoid automatic embedder selection

    # Cohere
    elif type(self._llm) in [Cohere]:
        embedder = embedders.EmbedderCohereConfig.get_embedder_from_config(
                "cohere_api_key": self._llm.cohere_api_key,
                "model": "embed-multilingual-v2.0",
                # Now the best model for embeddings is embed-multilingual-v2.0

    elif type(self._llm) in [ChatGoogleGenerativeAI]:
        embedder = embedders.EmbedderGeminiChatConfig.get_embedder_from_config(
                "model": "models/embedding-001",
                "google_api_key": self._llm.google_api_key,

        # If no embedder matches vendor, and no external embedder is configured, we use the DumbEmbedder.
        #   `This embedder is not a model properly trained
        #    and this makes it not suitable to effectively embed text,
        #    "but it does not know this and embeds anyway".` - cit. Nicola Corbellini
        embedder = embedders.EmbedderDumbConfig.get_embedder_from_config({})

    return embedder


Large Language Model (LLM) selection at bootstrap time.


Name Type Description
llm BaseLanguageModel

Langchain BaseLanguageModel instance of the selected model.


Bootstrapping is the process of loading the plugins, the natural language objects (e.g. the LLM), the memories, the Agent Manager and the Rabbit Hole.

Source code in cat/looking_glass/
def load_language_model(self) -> BaseLanguageModel:
    """Large Language Model (LLM) selection at bootstrap time.

    llm : BaseLanguageModel
        Langchain `BaseLanguageModel` instance of the selected model.

    Bootstrapping is the process of loading the plugins, the natural language objects (e.g. the LLM), the memories,
    the *Agent Manager* and the *Rabbit Hole*.


    selected_llm = crud.get_setting_by_name(name="llm_selected")

    if selected_llm is None:
        # return default LLM
        llm = LLMDefaultConfig.get_llm_from_config({})

        # get LLM factory class
        selected_llm_class = selected_llm["value"]["name"]
        FactoryClass = get_llm_from_name(selected_llm_class)

        # obtain configuration and instantiate LLM
        selected_llm_config = crud.get_setting_by_name(name=selected_llm_class)
            llm = FactoryClass.get_llm_from_config(selected_llm_config["value"])
        except Exception as e:
            import traceback

            llm = LLMDefaultConfig.get_llm_from_config({})

    return llm


Load LongTerMemory and WorkingMemory.

Source code in cat/looking_glass/
def load_memory(self):
    """Load LongTerMemory and WorkingMemory."""
    # Memory

    # Get embedder size (langchain classes do not store it)
    embedder_size = len(self.embedder.embed_query("hello world"))

    # Get embedder name (useful for for vectorstore aliases)
    if hasattr(self.embedder, "model"):
        embedder_name = self.embedder.model
    elif hasattr(self.embedder, "repo_id"):
        embedder_name = self.embedder.repo_id
        embedder_name = "default_embedder"

    # instantiate long term memory
    vector_memory_config = {
        "embedder_name": embedder_name,
        "embedder_size": embedder_size,
    self.memory = LongTermMemory(vector_memory_config=vector_memory_config)


Load Natural Language related objects.

The method exposes in the Cat all the NLP related stuff. Specifically, it sets the language models (LLM and Embedder).


When using small Language Models it is suggested to turn off the memories and make the main prompt smaller to prevent them to fail.

See Also


Source code in cat/looking_glass/
def load_natural_language(self):
    """Load Natural Language related objects.

    The method exposes in the Cat all the NLP related stuff. Specifically, it sets the language models
    (LLM and Embedder).

    When using small Language Models it is suggested to turn off the memories and make the main prompt smaller
    to prevent them to fail.

    See Also
    # LLM and embedder
    self._llm = self.load_language_model()
    self.embedder = self.load_language_embedder()